Serpentia Pet Reptile Supplies | Website Security

Website Security

We take your security seriously.

Our website is secure and SSL certified.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser.

This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.

This security doesn’t just apply to our payment gateways but extends to all of our website.

In fact wherever you enter information on our website you are doing so on an encrypted connection, whether that be setting up an account, entering your personal address and contact details or passwords in fact when you enter any data at all that you are doing so via an encrypted connection on our website.

Normally, when browsing the web, the URLs (web page addresses) begin with the letters “http”.  However, over a secure connection the address displayed should begin with “https” – note the “s” at the end.

We do not take or store any of your financial data on our website.

Payments you make via PayPal and Credit Card via Stripe payment gateway are processed off our website over PayPal’s and Stripes secure PCI compliant pages.

In addition we use third party software to protect and prevent unauthorised, suspicious or disallowed access to our website and user comments and contact will be subjected to third party automated spam filter.

You an be assured when you visit our website that we take your security seriously and do everything to ensure you are shopping over an encrypted safe site and to protect any personal data we may have collected as part of your visit.