Animal welfare
Animal Welfare – The Legislation
The Animal Welfare Act 2006 makes owners and keepers responsible for ensuring that the welfare needs of their animals are met.
These include the need:
- for a suitable environment (place to live)
- for a suitable diet
- to exhibit normal behaviour patterns
- to be housed with, or apart from, other animals (if applicable)
- to be protected from pain, injury, suffering and disease
Anyone who is cruel to an animal, or does not provide for its welfare needs, may be banned from owning animals, fined up to £20,000 and/or sent to prison.
The Animal Welfare Act 2006 contains the general laws relating to animal welfare.
It is an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to any animal.
The Act contains a Duty of Care to animals, this means that anyone responsible for an animal must take reasonable steps to make sure the animals needs are met.
This means that a person has to look after an animals welfare as well as ensure that it does not suffer and applies to all animals.
What does this mean in relation to us?
Well straight off we will not sell you an animal if you are under 16 years of age or if we don’t believe you are able to properly provide for the animals welfare.
We will ask you questions in order to determine your suitability to cater for the animals welfare, so please don’t be offended.
Our animals receive the best in captive husbandry care and we want to be sure that this continues for them after they leave us.
If we have any doubts then we wont sell an animal.
Providing for an animals welfare is not only the law, it’s morally what any animal lover would want to do.
We strive to determine that the animals that we do sell will be provided for as we ourselves would provide for them.
If you buy an animal from us we will make sure you have the right equipment to properly care for them and can offer you a discount on any equipment you require and order on this website.