The Habistat High-Range Pulse Thermostat is ideal for controlling hot spots and for use in incubators or with ceramic heaters where the control of a higher temperature is essential.
Range 26 Degrees C – 40 Degrees C
The sophisticated pulse proportional thermostat is ideal for controlling higher power ceramic heaters and for heat mats, where constant warmth and not an On/Off cycle is required.
The function of this thermostat is far more sophisticated than the simpler on/off switching devices.
It will very accurately control heaters and has a maximum load of 600 watts.
How it works:
A normal thermostat switches a heater on full power until the set temperature is achieved.
It then switches the heater off completely until the temperature drops below the set value.
The cycle then starts over again.
The gap between the heater being switched on and then off is called hysteresis.
Between these points the accuracy of the controller is assessed.
The pulse proportional thermostat pulses electricity to the heater all the time, resulting in constant and very accurately managed warmth.
The sequence of events are as follows:
The temperature is set on the dial.
The enclosure and heater are cold so the heater is on full power.
As the temperature in the enclosure nears the set temperature the unit cuts the power down to pulses.
The degree of pulse (i.e. the amount of time the heater is on and the amount of time it is off) is dependent on the enclosure temperature.
In the early stages of approaching the set temperature the ‘on’ pulses will be long and the ‘off’ time will be short.
When the enclosure is correctly set up and the desired temperature is neared, the ‘on’ pulses become shorter until the cycle levels at approximately 50% on and 50% off.
For enclosures where the heater is of the correct capacity, the cycle should remain at this point.
The heater is only powered enough to maintain the temperature set. It does not have to continually start the heater from cold.
This vastly improves heater element life and is far safer for the animals as the heater rarely, if ever, needs to run at full power.
Suitability check:
Can be used with: Heat Mats, Ceramic Heaters, Heat Cables, Reptile Radiators
Not to be used with: Heat Bulbs, Fans
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HabiStat Pulse Proportional High Range Thermostat Instructions